Since first being introduced in the 1950s, metal plate connected trusses are used in almost 95% of homes in Canada. They are increasingly used in multi-family residential, institutional, agricultural, and commercial applications. Here are some of the reasons why a manufactured truss roof from Selkirk Truss is right for your next project:
Cost Effectiveness
- Wood trusses are often more economical than steel or concrete in pitched or flat roof istallations. For example, more and more multi-family residential buildings are being specified with wood truss roofs.
- The roof package arrives on site ready to install, reducing construction time.
- Clean-up time is reduced as trusses make minimal contribution to waste on site.
- Heavy machinery is usually not required as wood trusses are light in weight.
- Wood trusses can be installed by local tradesmen. A comparable steel roof would require the use of iron workers, riggers, and welders.
- Wood is a renewable building material. Because of their different manufacturing processes, the use of wood products results in far less carbon emissions than either steel or concrete.
- Our wood component materials are sourced from partners who maintain sustainable forest practices.
- On-site wood waste is minimized by using wood trusses as opposed to stick framing.
- Our component cutting operations use the latest technology to minimize wood waste. We let the computers decide what order to cut the pieces in to utilize as much of each board as possible.
- See right for examples of different shapes of trusses that are easily manufactured from wood. This is only a fraction of what is possible. Many modern homes will use several combinations of types to suit the aesthetic preferences of the customer.
- Many commercial buildings (ie restaurants) use their roof profile as part of their brand image. As a homeowner, developer, or business proprietor you have the ability to put your personal stamp on what your building looks like, and our designers will make it come to life.
- What about the inside of your building? Vaults, sloped ceilings, different elevations, attic living space: endless possibilities (of course within what the realm of physics allows).
- Wood trusses work seamlessly with steel and concrete where project requirements are more ambitious.
- In the picture below you can see the various components of a wood truss. Every one of these components is fully customizable. (within Building Code limitations)

For important and helpful truss installation resources: